Posted on July 1, 2024 at 10:00 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek

The publishing experts we follow have plenty of mindset advice to offer.

Here are three that we thought were can't-miss for our authors:

  • Writer's block? Make way for beauty: Author and artist Beth Kephart talks about how her garden inspires her creativity and how to find whatever beauty works for you, too (Women Writers, Wome's Books).

  • How to keep rejection in perspective: While you might not be seeking traditional publication (and thus might not find yourself being rejected by it), Ruth Harris's column is a useful reminder that whatever "no" you receive very well could have nothing to do with you — and certainly shouldn't cause you to give up (Anne R. Allen's Blog...with Ruth Harris).

  • Overcome your challenges and write your book: Author Daniel D. Bate discusses the many physical issues he is working through as he pursues a creative career (The Creative Penn).

Categories: Behind the scenes

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